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Perfect Portions: A Key to Healthy Eating Habits

Overeating is one of the prime causes of the obesity epidemic, yet most of us don’t even realise that we overeat – or just how crucial serving size is. In the era of super-sized everything, many people have now become accustomed to eating larger portions. It’s easy to lose sight of what constitutes a healthy portion. Many of us have fallen prey to the allure of "more is better," only to find ourselves grappling with weight gain, sluggishness, and a host of health issues. Perfecting portion control is not a restrictive diet but rather a sustainable lifestyle choice that can lead to a happier, healthier you.


How Calories Add Up

Because most fast food is quite high in calories, you can consume large amounts of energy by eating little. Foods high in energy can trick our bodies into consuming more calories than we actually require. Similar foods, cooked at home, are far less energy dense. Some people also think that eating certain types of food while avoiding others is more central to their weight-control efforts than eating less food. They're wrong - for weight control, it's total calories that count. Growing up, most of us were encouraged to eat everything that was placed on our plate. There was no issue when the portions we were instructed to finish were small. With portions growing larger these days, though, most of us just eat whatever is placed in front of us, regardless of how big the portion is. This causes you to consume more calories than you should. A better strategy is to eat a healthy portion, then stop. It's better to waste a little food or save it for tomorrow than to overload your body.

The important part of portion control is being conscious of the quantity of food you consume in a single sitting. It’s about finding the Goldilocks zone—not too much, not too little, but just right. While the ideal portion size varies from person to person based on factors like age, activity level, and metabolism, there are general guidelines that can serve as a compass on your journey to balanced eating.


Cutting Portions Down to Size

Most weight loss success stories are the result of cutting down the portion. It’s a simple fact: If you eat less, you’ll lose excess weight. Here are some ways to reduce your portions:

Wait ten minutes.

Your stomach needs about that long to signal to the brain that it’s full, so wait before helping yourself to more chicken or pasta. Keep the conversation going, or if you’re dining alone, read the news or watch some TikTok’s videos. If you’re still truly hungry after the delay, have a second helping of the vegetables or salads.

Put Away Leftovers Before Eating.

It’s easy to sit down to a healthy plate of food. The trouble starts when your plate is empty, and you have some more food sitting in front of you. The solution is to pack away and store leftovers before you sit down to eat. That way, having a second helping takes more of a conscious effort and feels more inappropriate.

Round Off the Meal with Fruit and Vegetables.

As you consume more modest portion sizes, you may start craving extra food with your meal. The answer is to have a large, crunchy serving of cucumbers, carrots or tomatoes with your meal. Add some volume with an apple, orange or watermelon at the end of your meal.

Practice A Mindful Eating.

While you’re eating, try to slow down and savor each bite. Put your fork down between mouthfuls, engage your senses, and appreciate the flavors and textures of your food. This not only enhances your dining experience but also allows your brain to register fullness more effectively. So, it’s easier to know when you should stop eating and prevent mindless overeating.

Listen to Hunger, Not Emotions.

Many of us turn to food for comfort, stress relief, or boredom. We need to know how to differentiate between emotional hunger and physical hunger, addressing the root cause of emotional eating rather than reaching for unnecessary calories. You should eat only when you’re truly hungry.

Use Smaller Dishware.

Invest in smaller plates and bowls when you’re dining. This will help to create the illusion of a fuller plate with smaller portions. Visual cues play a powerful role in our perception of satisfaction. This way, you’ll have just the right amount of foods that your body require.

In the symphony of dietary advice and nutritional trends, portion control stands out as a timeless melody. It's not a quick fix or a passing fad but a fundamental aspect of cultivating a healthy relationship with food. By embracing the perfect portion, you embark on a journey toward a balanced, energized, and more vibrant version of yourself.


Fatimah Nazhirah binti Nazri
Islamic Science University of Malaysia


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  1 mengamalkan dan percaya kepada hak kebebasan bersuara selagi hak tersebut tidak disalahguna untuk memperkatakan perkara-perkara yang bertentangan dengan kebenaran, Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Undang-Undang Negeri dan Negara. Komen dan pandangan yang diberikan adalah pandangan peribadi dan tidak semestinya melambangkan pendirian berkenaan mana-mana isu yang berbangkit.

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