DAP is the party which 95 percent of the Chinese voted for. And the campur-Zahid next “backdoor” gomen that DAP supporters want.
LMAO, this DAP-Umno hookup is providing us with the best memes evaaaah!
Harapan church mice’s
PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli: ‘Tiada kerjasama dengan Zahid, saya tidak akan berdiam diri’.
Rafizi also: “Saya orang pertama akan tentang kerjasama dengan Umno” (Berita Harian, 1 Nov 2022).
Ooops, looks like the cat got Rafizi’s tongue and he’s been as quiet as a church mouse since Langkah Seri Pacific.
Still, PKR’s silence is better than DAP and Dapsters licking their own spit (of all the nasty names that they’ve called Umno).
And whatever happened to the DAP harpy cries of ‘thief’, ‘robber’ and ‘penyamun’, eh?
After all, Zahid’s big corruption trial – involving 47 charges of bribery, money laundering and criminal breach of trust – is ongoing.
Oh, I see … Unlike Umno past president Najib whom the Dapsters called ‘kleptocrat’ even before his trial concluded, current Umno president Zahid is being given benefit of the doubt (innocent until proven guilty) because he is their ride to Putrajaya.
Umno is coloured by DAP in whatever shade of grey expedient, and sold to the Chinese electorate as required for the moment.
And the DAP diehards are lapping it up.
In August (three months ago), DAP said Zahid needs to answer for the mysterious RM1 billion payment in the LCS scandal.
This week DAP is saying Zahid will be our Harapan partner to govern in Putrajaya.
And this morning, dear readers, your entertainment is the song Jangan Jangan by Wani Kayrie. Karaoke lyrics – “tak mau, tak mau” – are provided together for our singalong.
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