oleh: Jofri Jaraiee
Hujan lebat dan fenomena air pasang telah menyebabkan ombak besar yang menyebabkan limpahan air laut di jalan raya, menjejaskan beberapa kawasan di sepanjang pantai bandaraya Miri termasuk Jalan Pantai Lutong, Jalan Batu Satu, Kuala Baram dan Kampung Tudan, Desa Senadin, Lutong, dan Kampung Batu Satu, malam Selasa lalu.
Penduduk di kawasan Tudan, terutama di kawasan dataran rendah, mengatakan keadaan longkang di kawasan mereka, yang mulai melimpah dengan air, dikhuatiri akan mula banjir dan menenggelamkan beberapa kediaman di kawasan itu.
Antara penyebab utama banjir kilat di beberapa tempat di bandaraya Miri, terutama di pesisir dan dataran rendah beberapa hari lalu adalah longkang yang tersumbat dan kelemahan sistem perparitan secara keseluruhan. Aliran air sungai terhalang dari mengalir ke laut, terutama ketika air pasang.
Saliran harus dibina untuk memudahkan aliran air bergerak dengan lancar terutama ketika hujan lebat dan projek membina '‘rock revetment’' sepanjang 500 meter harus segera dilaksanakan untuk mengelakkan ombak besar yang menyebabkan limpahan air laut di jalan raya sehingga menjejaskan beberapa kawasan pesisir.
PAS Miri juga datang untuk melawat dan menyampaikan sumbangan kebajikan kepada beberapa buah keluarga yang terjejas akibat banjir di Kampung Batu Satu dan Kampung Tudan. Turut hadir ialah Pesuruhjaya PAS Sarawak merangkap Yang Di Pertua PAS Miri dan Arif Paijo Timbalan Yang Di Pertua PAS Miri bersama Jabatan Amal Malaysia kawasan Miri untuk menyampaikan sumbangan kepada mangsa banjir.
Kami berharap agar pihak berkuasa dan pihak-pihak terkait dapat segera membantu menyalurkan keperluan asas dan membina saluran air serta projek untuk membina "rock revetment" untuk mencegah banjir berulang, terutama di kawasan dataran rendah. Kerjasama dengan pihak yang berkaitan untuk mengatasi masalah ini dengan segera amat dihargai.
***Jofri Jaraiee ialah Pesuruhjaya PAS Sarawak
Residents in Tudan areas, especially in the lowlands, said the drainage situation in their area, which was beginning to overflow with water, was feared to start flooding and drown some homes in the areas.
Among the main causes of flash floods in some places in Miri city, especially on the coast and lowlands a few days ago are clogged drains and the weakness of the drainage system as a whole. The flow of river water is prevented from flowing into the sea, especially during high tide.
Drainage should be built to facilitate the flow of water to move smoothly, especially during heavy rains and the project to build a "rock revetment” along 500 meters should be implemented immediately to avoid largely waves that cause an overflow of seawater on the road to affect some coastal areas.
PAS Miri also came to visit and present welfare donations to several families affected by the floods in Kampung Batu Satu and Kampung Tudan. Also present were the Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief and Arif Paijo PAS Miri Deputy Chief together with the Malaysian Charity Department (AMAL) of Miri area to present donations to the flood victims.
We hope that the authorities and related parties can immediately help channel the basic needs and build aqueducts as well as projects to build "rock revetment" to prevent the recurrence of floods, especially in lowland areas. Cooperation with relevant parties to address this issue immediately is greatly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Jofri Jaraiee
Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief
Heavy rains and tidal phenomena cause flash floods
Heavy rains and high tide phenomena have caused large waves that cause an overflow of seawater on the road, affecting several areas along the coast of Miri city including Jalan Pantai Lutong, Jalan Batu Satu, Kuala Baram, and Kampung Tudan, Desa Senadin, Lutong, and Kampung Batu Satu, last Tuesday night.
Residents in Tudan areas, especially in the lowlands, said the drainage situation in their area, which was beginning to overflow with water, was feared to start flooding and drown some homes in the areas.
Among the main causes of flash floods in some places in Miri city, especially on the coast and lowlands a few days ago are clogged drains and the weakness of the drainage system as a whole. The flow of river water is prevented from flowing into the sea, especially during high tide.
Drainage should be built to facilitate the flow of water to move smoothly, especially during heavy rains and the project to build a "rock revetment” along 500 meters should be implemented immediately to avoid largely waves that cause an overflow of seawater on the road to affect some coastal areas.
PAS Miri also came to visit and present welfare donations to several families affected by the floods in Kampung Batu Satu and Kampung Tudan. Also present were the Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief and Arif Paijo PAS Miri Deputy Chief together with the Malaysian Charity Department (AMAL) of Miri area to present donations to the flood victims.
We hope that the authorities and related parties can immediately help channel the basic needs and build aqueducts as well as projects to build "rock revetment" to prevent the recurrence of floods, especially in lowland areas. Cooperation with relevant parties to address this issue immediately is greatly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Jofri Jaraiee
Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief
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