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Nine-point manifesto by PAS in new electoral pact

PETALING JAYA: PAS today announced nine major points in its 14th General Election manifesto, which is shared with the latest electoral pact Gagasan Sejahtera.

This will be the major third bloc in the upcoming GE14, the other two being Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan.

Deputy President of PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said that the manifesto theme is geared towards "Malaysia Sejahtera" (Prosperous Malaysia) to include Muslims and non-Muslims.

There will also be no usage of the term "Islamic State".

The new electoral pact, consisting of PAS, Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan) and Barisan Jemaah Islamiah Se-Malaysia (BERJASA) will also contest in more than 130 seats.

Tuan Ibrahim said that 70 per cent of the designation of the seats have been completed and 30 per cent will be finalised once the re-delienation order has been passed in the parliament.

"The electoral pact Gagasan Sejahtera will not use a common logo and there are no plans to register the coalition officially."

Among the nine points of the manifesto announced today are: the formation of a government with the integrity and free from corruption, increase of usable income, strengthening of federalisme concept by returning state government rights and harmonisation the legislation in line with the Syariah concepts.

Tuan Ibrahim said that these points were carefully formulated to get the support of all voters regardless of race and religion.

PAS chief researcher, Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki said that the manifesto, despite not mentioning Islam as its key point, is geared to show the people that Islam is the solution and does not merely constitute punishment.

He was referring to the media coverage of syariah criminal laws (hudud) championed by PAS state government in Kelantan, which highlighted the aspects of punishment.

Tuan Ibrahim also said that the PAS general assembly (Muktamar) this year has been postponed pending the general election.

The GE14 manifesto will be launched on Sunday (March 18) by PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang in Cyberjaya.--AstroAwani

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